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DieEstimator Software Training

Learn DieEstimator with our free online tutorial videos. The video training series is offered for free to all registered users. The video training series covers all aspects for DieEstimator setup and estimating and is usually adequate for most users.


Video Series Titles
  1. Introduction to DieEstimator

  2. Navigation and Estimate Management

  3. Estimate/Tab 1-Estimate Information 

  4. Estimate/Tab 2-Plan Die

  5. Estimate/Tab 3-Apply Die Spec

  6. Estimate/Tab 4-Calculate Die

  7. Estimate/Tab 5-Custom Items

  8. Estimate/Tab 6-Estimate Die

  9. Estimate/Tab-Report

  10. Copy and Paste Function

  11. Changing Settings


training series cover.JPG
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